Getting Your Skin Ready for Travel with Helpful Tips and Rituals.

Getting Your Skin Ready for Travel with Helpful Tips and Rituals.

Tara O'Rourke

The impact of travel on our skin and body rhythms is evident, regardless of the means, whether we travel by trains, airplanes, or automobiles. We've all experienced skin problems like breakouts, dehydrated skin, eczema etc. from travel stress, environmental changes, air conditioning, and temperature variations. Our skin, being the body's largest organ, plays a crucial role in regulating heat, sebum and eliminating toxins and sweat, while also protecting us from harmful elements. Preparing your skin for travel and treating your break as a skin rejuvenation getaway can enhance your well-being and give you a natural radiant complexion, no matter when you decide to travel.

Having a Daily Skincare Routine: inner and outer beauty.

It's essential to establish a daily skincare routine that includes not only the products you use but also your diet, hydration, and physical activity. All these elements play a role in the condition of your skin. While we might think of skincare as a solitary practice, our skin reflects our inner health and provides valuable insights into our well-being, including digestion, adrenal function, blood pressure, and toxin levels. For instance, if a rash appears on our skin, it could indicate a histamine reaction as the body tries to expel harmful substances. When our skin feels tight and dry, it's crucial to assess our hydration levels, intake of essential omega oils, and the use of humectants to maintain moisture.
Whether it's a short trip or a longer adventure, it's essential to plan ahead for your skin care. Ensuring you feel refreshed both during your travels and upon your return is key.

Here are some tried and tested recommendations from our Skin Care Therapist/Wellness Coach and Dr. Hauschka Esthetician, Tara O'Rourke, that won't bother your fellow passengers.

Performing a daily facial workout – a technique introduced by Elisabeth Sigmund, co-founder of Dr. Hauschka Skincare in the 1960s – remains just as significant today.
These exercises enhance our facial expressions and define our facial features. The result is a more toned face, improved tissue strength, enhanced natural activity, and smoother worry lines. Overall, our facial skin feels rejuvenated, healthier, and benefits from improved circulation.
Below is an example of an effective facial exercise that focuses on reducing horizontal lines on the forehead. You can try this exercise during long or even short flights. Not only will you notice a more relaxed facial appearance, but you will also experience the benefits of deep, mindful breathing while performing the exercise. This simple facial workout is easy to start with and yields excellent results.
The Frontalis muscle, located in the forehead (see image below) is responsible for raising the upper eyelids and eyebrows while also reducing horizontal lines on the forehead. This workout can help reduce lines, stimulate the scalp, and slow down hair loss.
1. Start by raising and then relaxing your forehead.
2. Next, place both hands loosely on top of each other on your forehead and raise and relax it again.
3. Your hands should move passively with your skin. Now keep your hands in the same position but use them to create resistance while raising your forehead. Keep the skin tensed for about five seconds then slowly relax. Repeat four times.
4. Finally, use circular finger movements to loosen your forehead. Now close your eyes and savour the way your skin feels. This enjoyable sensation alone boosts your inner beauty.
5. Like any exercise, for best results do daily, it takes five minutes!

The interplay between warmth and coolness, stillness and activity affects the body, mind, and skin.

Balance is the key to finding rhythm, which in turn leads to positive outcomes and a sense of well-being. When traveling, pay attention to your body's sensations – notice areas that feel warm or cool. Our skin naturally regulates temperature, but stress can overwhelm it. In a state of balance, your head, neck, and chest feel cool, while your abdomen is warm, and your extremities maintain a comfortable temperature.

When out of balance, especially during travel, our body and skin work hard to adjust. Prepare your travel essentials to help maintain energy flow and promote a sense of calm and equilibrium. If you feel warm and congested in the head and throat, stay hydrated and use a small amount of Dr. Hauschka Regenerating Serum to gently massage into your skin and neck for a refreshing sensation.
Dr.Hauschka Regenerating Serum supports the skin's natural renewal processes, diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Enriched with botanicals such as kalanchoe, a natural humectant, and the antioxidant red clover, it calms redness and leaves the skin feeling refreshed and smoother. For additional benefits, spritz the powerful Dr. Hauschka Facial Toner on your skin for an instant cooling and invigorating effect. 

To ground yourself, bring awareness to your feet, feeling them firmly planted on the ground while seated. Place your hands gently on each side of your navel and take slow breaths into this space, grounding is possible even at 36,000 feet in the air. By practicing belly breathing, you reconnect with the earth beneath you. Bringing warmth to this area will aid digestion and maintain groundedness during your journey and upon arrival. 

Make it a habit to practice belly breathing for at least three days post-arrival; even a short five-minute session can help you feel grounded and connected to the earth.

To revitalise legs, use Dr. Hauschka Revitalising Leg and Arm Tonic. It's convenient for travel – simply splash it onto your hands and legs, starting from the feet and working your way up, also apply on arms. This tonic infused with Rosemary invigorates tired limbs and brings mental clarity.

Stay active while traveling to support your lymphatic system, a key part of the immune system that regulates body fluids and fights off pathogens. Remember, this system only works when you move. Take breaks during your journey to stretch – whether standing or seated. Try seated twists, head and neck rotations, and leg stretches to keep your body active. Moving periodically will help you feel refreshed upon reaching your destination, as the lymph flow keeps you energised. 

During your holiday/vacation, make sure to continue your daily stretching routine.

EFT, known as Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping

This method is based on the idea that emotional distress and physical ailments are closely connected to the body's energy system. EFT aims to relieve symptoms of anxiety, stress, and other emotional burdens. Give it a try before traveling and continue the practice wherever you go.

It's fascinating how we can wake up in one time zone and arrive in another within a day. Our bodies need time to adapt, and we can support ourselves without relying on stimulants. 

Slow down the chatter of overburdened mind

Apply Dr. Hauschka Moor-Lavender calming body oil between your fingers, place your hands on the lower back around the adrenal area, gently massage for comfort. Then, lightly place your hand over your face, breathe slowly, and move your fingertips to the pulse points at the collarbones, clavicles, and apply gentle pressure.

Balancing Your Skin Through Internal Cleansing

To maintain healthy skin on your travels, focus on both hydration and balancing your body's pH levels. Consider incorporating rejuvenating juice recipes into your routine to alkalise your system. Experiment with an organic blend of cucumber, kale, celery, apple, and ginger for a refreshing internal cleanse that aids digestion and combats sluggishness. You can find numerous recipes online. If you don't have a juicer, enhance your water by adding slices of organic lemon and cucumber for a daily revitalising drink. 

For improved digestion, brew ginger tea or infuse your water with fresh mint to combat fatigue caused by the heat.

Skincare Cleansing Routine

Your skin works hard to shield you from the harsh atmospheric elements every day. While traveling, we encounter various microbes, pathogens, and particles, leading to increased perspiration due to travel, heat, or environmental factors. It's crucial to focus on how you cleanse your skin and preserve the acid mantle – the hydro-lipid layer of the epidermis, serving as a natural and smart skin barrier. Incorporate Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Cream into your daily routine to help remove dead skin cells, dirt, and excess oil, leaving your skin feeling nourished and prepared for the next protective steps. At night, use Dr. Hauschka Night Serum; available in two variations for mature and younger skin, it provides essential night care to promote skin renewal and regeneration. Once you start, you'll eagerly anticipate this delightful nightly skincare ritual!
Prepare for your travels in a mindful way so you can feel confident, comfortable and fully relish in the adventure you deserve.

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